This DTO (data transfer object) holds information on an article. DTOs only contain data fields--they do not contain any application logic.
<?php namespace spokenWikipedia; /** * Bean class that holds data on a single article. * @author Michael Angstadt */ class Article{ /** * The title of the article. * @var string */ public $title; /** * The URL of the article. * @var string */ public $url; /** * The dates that the article has been updated with an audio recording. * @var array(DateTime) */ public $dates = array(); /** * Whether or not the article is a featured article. * @var boolean */ public $featured; }
This class is a collection of static methods that scrape the HTML of my Wikipedia user page, as well as save and load the scraped data to the XML cache file. I put this code in its own class to make it easy to unit test.
<?php namespace spokenWikipedia; use \DateTime; use \DOMDocument; use \DOMXPath; /** * Marshalls the information on my Spoken Wikipedia articles to/from various formats. * @author Michael Angstadt */ class SpokenWikipediaMarshaller{ /** * Screen-scrapes the data from my Wikipedia user page. * @param string $url the URL of the website (or path to a file) * @return SpokenWikipedia the screen-scraped data */ public static function loadFromWebsite($url){ $spokenWikipedia = new SpokenWikipedia(); //load the HTML into a DOM $html = file_get_contents($url); $dom = new DOMDocument(); @$dom->loadHTML($html); $xpath = new DOMXPath($dom); //article information are within <table> elements $cellNodes = $xpath->query('//table[@class="wikitable articlestable"]/tbody/tr/td'); if ($cellNodes->length > 0){ for ($i = 0; $i < $cellNodes->length; $i+=2){ $article = new Article(); $titleNode = $cellNodes->item($i); //get the title of the article $linkNodes = $xpath->query('.//a', $titleNode); if ($linkNodes->length > 0){ $n = $linkNodes->item(0); if ($n->attributes->getNamedItem('title')->value == 'Featured article'){ //the "star" icon is wrapped in a link, so ignore it $n = ($linkNodes->length > 1) ? $linkNodes->item(1) : null; } if ($n != null){ $article->title = $n->textContent; } } //get the link to the sound file $sourceNodes = $xpath->query('.//audio/source', $titleNode); if ($sourceNodes->length > 0){ //<audio id="mwe_player_1" style="width:220px;height:23px" poster="//" controls="" preload="none" class="kskin" data-durationhint="2637.1715192744" data-startoffset="0" data-mwtitle="HTTP_cookie.ogg" data-mwprovider="wikimediacommons"><source src="//" type="audio/ogg; codecs="vorbis"" data-title="Original Ogg file (70 kbps)" data-shorttitle="Ogg source" data-width="0" data-height="0" data-bandwidth="69720"></source>...</audio> $article->url = 'http:' . $sourceNodes->item(0)->attributes->getNamedItem('src')->value; } //is the article a featured article? //the title is bolded if it is featured $boldNodes = $xpath->query('.//b', $titleNode); $article->featured = ($boldNodes->length > 0); //get the update date(s) for the article $updatedNode = $cellNodes->item($i+1); $dateNodes = $xpath->query('del | p', $updatedNode); if ($dateNodes->length > 0){ //if there are multiple dates, then they are nested within <del> and <p> tags foreach ($dateNodes as $n){ $article->dates[] = new DateTime($n->textContent); } //make sure the dates are in ascending order //they are already in this order on the page, but I don't know how the XPath "|" (concat) operator combines its results usort($article->dates, function($a, $b){ //null times should go at the end if ($a == null){ return 1; } if ($b == null){ return -1; } return $a->getTimestamp() - $b->getTimestamp(); }); } else { //if there is only one date, then it is nested directly inside the <td> tag $article->dates[] = new DateTime($updatedNode->textContent); } $spokenWikipedia->articles[] = $article; } } return $spokenWikipedia; } /** * Loads the data from an XML file. * @param string $filePath the path to the XML file * @return SpokenWikipedia the cached data */ public static function loadFromXml($filePath){ $spokenWikipedia = new SpokenWikipedia(); $xml = simplexml_load_file($filePath); foreach ($xml->article as $xmlArticle){ $article = new Article(); $article->title = (string)$xmlArticle['title']; $article->url = (string)$xmlArticle['url']; $article->featured = (string)$xmlArticle['featured'] == 'true'; foreach ($xmlArticle->date as $xmlDate){ $article->dates[] = new DateTime((string)$xmlDate); } $spokenWikipedia->articles[] = $article; } return $spokenWikipedia; } /** * Saves the data to an XML file. * @param SpokenWikipedia $spokenWikipedia the data to save * @param string $filePath the path to the XML file. */ public static function saveToXml($spokenWikipedia, $filePath){ //create XML document $xml = simplexml_load_string('<spokenWikipedia/>'); foreach ($spokenWikipedia->articles as $article){ $node = $xml->addChild('article'); $node->addAttribute('url', $article->url); $node->addAttribute('title', $article->title); $node->addAttribute('featured', $article->featured ? 'true' : 'false'); foreach ($article->dates as $date){ $node->addChild('date', $date->format('Y-m-d')); } } //save the XML to disk $xml->asXML($filePath); } }
The unit test class for the SpokenWikipediaMarshaller
class. It uses a copy of my Wikipedia user page which I saved to a file. It uses this saved file instead of loading the file from Wikipedia because I don't want my unit test to fail if I change my Wikipedia user page (or if my Internet connection is down). I also test the caching functionality by saving the cache file, loading the cache file, and then comparing the data I saved with the data I loaded to make sure everything is the same.
<?php namespace spokenWikipedia; use \DateTime; /** * Tests the SpokenWikipediaMarshaller class. * @author mangst */ class SpokenWikipediaMarshallerTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase{ /** * Test scraping the HTML of the webpage. */ public function testLoadFromWebsite(){ $spokenWikipedia = SpokenWikipediaMarshaller::loadFromWebsite(__DIR__ . '/sample.html'); $articles = $spokenWikipedia->articles; $this->assertEquals(5, count($articles)); $i = 0; //three dates //example: <td><del>4/6/2009</del> <p><del>1/24/2010</del></p> <p>9/26/2010</p> </td>" $a = $articles[$i++]; $this->assertEquals('', $a->url); $this->assertEquals('HTTP cookie', $a->title); $this->assertEquals(3, count($a->dates)); $this->assertEquals(strtotime('2009-04-06'), $a->dates[0]->getTimestamp()); $this->assertEquals(strtotime('2010-01-24'), $a->dates[1]->getTimestamp()); $this->assertEquals(strtotime('2010-09-26'), $a->dates[2]->getTimestamp()); $this->assertEquals(false, $a->featured); //two dates //example: "<td><del>1/3/2010</del> <p>10/18/2010</p> </td>" $a = $articles[$i++]; $this->assertEquals('', $a->url); $this->assertEquals('Iapetus (moon)', $a->title); $this->assertEquals(2, count($a->dates)); $this->assertEquals(strtotime('2010-01-03'), $a->dates[0]->getTimestamp()); $this->assertEquals(strtotime('2010-10-18'), $a->dates[1]->getTimestamp()); $this->assertEquals(false, $a->featured); //featured $a = $articles[$i++]; $this->assertEquals('', $a->url); $this->assertEquals('Saturn', $a->title); $this->assertEquals(2, count($a->dates)); $this->assertEquals(strtotime('2010-02-10'), $a->dates[0]->getTimestamp()); $this->assertEquals(strtotime('2010-10-10'), $a->dates[1]->getTimestamp()); $this->assertEquals(true, $a->featured); //one date //example: "<td>1/31/2009</td>" $a = $articles[$i++]; $this->assertEquals('', $a->url); $this->assertEquals('Battle of the Somme', $a->title); $this->assertEquals(1, count($a->dates)); $this->assertEquals(strtotime('2009-01-31'), $a->dates[0]->getTimestamp()); $this->assertEquals(false, $a->featured); //escaped character $a = $articles[$i++]; $this->assertEquals('', $a->url); $this->assertEquals('ToeJam & Earl', $a->title); $this->assertEquals(1, count($a->dates)); $this->assertEquals(strtotime('2009-11-14'), $a->dates[0]->getTimestamp()); $this->assertEquals(false, $a->featured); } /** * Saves an object to a file, and then loads it from the file to test the marshalling code. */ public function testSaveAndLoadFromXml(){ $orig = new SpokenWikipedia(); $article = new Article(); $article->title = 'Zero Dates'; $article->url = ''; $article->featured = false; $orig->articles[] = $article; $article = new Article(); $article->title = 'One Date'; $article->url = ''; $article->featured = false; $article->dates[] = new DateTime('2009-01-31'); $orig->articles[] = $article; $article = new Article(); $article->title = 'Two Dates'; $article->url = ''; $article->featured = false; $article->dates[] = new DateTime('2010-01-03'); $article->dates[] = new DateTime('2010-10-18'); $orig->articles[] = $article; $article = new Article(); $article->title = 'Featured'; $article->url = ''; $article->featured = true; $orig->articles[] = $article; $article = new Article(); $article->title = 'Escaped & Character'; $article->url = ''; $article->featured = false; $orig->articles[] = $article; $file = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'mangst'); SpokenWikipediaMarshaller::saveToXML($orig, $file); $loaded = SpokenWikipediaMarshaller::loadFromXML($file); unlink($file); $this->assertEquals(count($orig->articles), count($loaded->articles)); for ($i = 0; $i < count($orig->articles); $i++){ $origArticle = $orig->articles[$i]; $loadedArticle = $loaded->articles[$i]; $this->assertEquals($origArticle->title, $loadedArticle->title); $this->assertEquals($origArticle->url, $loadedArticle->url); $this->assertEquals($origArticle->featured, $loadedArticle->featured); $this->assertEquals(count($origArticle->dates), count($loadedArticle->dates)); for ($j = 0; $j < count($origArticle->dates); $j++){ $origDate = $origArticle->dates[$j]; $loadedDate = $loadedArticle->dates[$j]; $this->assertEquals($origDate->getTimestamp(), $loadedDate->getTimestamp()); } } } }
This is a DTO (data transfer object) that contains the list of Articles
from my Wikipedia user page. This class doesn't do much--I created it incase I need to scrape more information from my userpage at some point in the future.
<?php namespace spokenWikipedia; /** * Bean class that holds the scraped data. * @author Michael Angstadt */ class SpokenWikipedia{ /** * Contains all the articles. * @var array(Article) */ public $articles = array(); }
This DAO (data access object) pulls data from the cache or refreshes the cache if the cache is stale.
<?php namespace spokenWikipedia; /** * Makes use of a cache to save the scraped data to instead of scraping the website every time data is requested. * Refreshes the cache every so often by re-scraping the page. * @author Michael Angstadt */ class SpokenWikipediaCacheDao extends SpokenWikipediaNoCacheDao{ /** * The path to the cache file. * @var string */ private $cachePath; /** * The number of seconds old the cache file is allowed to be before it is refreshed. * @var integer */ private $refreshRate; /** * Constructor. * @param string $url the URL of the website * @param string $cachePath the path to the cache file * @param integer $refreshRate the number of seconds old the cache file is allowed to be before it is refreshed */ public function __construct($url, $cachePath, $refreshRate){ parent::__construct($url); $this->cachePath = $cachePath; $this->refreshRate = $refreshRate; } /** * Gets the list of all recorded Wikipedia articles in no particular order. * Makes use of a caching mechanism to save the scraped data. * @return array(Article) the articles */ //override public function getArticles(){ if (file_exists($this->cachePath)){ //determine how long ago the file was last modified $stats = stat($this->cachePath); $diff = time() - $stats['mtime']; if ($diff > $this->refreshRate){ //recreate the file if it was last updated more than an hour ago, incase any changes were made to the website $spokenWikipedia = SpokenWikipediaMarshaller::loadFromWebsite($this->url); SpokenWikipediaMarshaller::saveToXml($spokenWikipedia, $this->cachePath); } else { $spokenWikipedia = SpokenWikipediaMarshaller::loadFromXml($this->cachePath); } } else { //the file doesn't exist, so create it $spokenWikipedia = SpokenWikipediaMarshaller::loadFromWebsite($this->url); SpokenWikipediaMarshaller::saveToXml($spokenWikipedia, $this->cachePath); } return $spokenWikipedia->articles; } }
This DAO (data access object) will always scrape data from the Wikipedia page and never use a cache.
<?php namespace spokenWikipedia; /** * Screen-scrapes the Wikipedia page every time data is requested. * @author Michael Angstadt */ class SpokenWikipediaNoCacheDao implements SpokenWikipediaDao{ /** * The URL of the Wikipedia page. * @var string */ protected $url; /** * Constructor. * @param string $url the URL of the webpage to load */ public function __construct($url){ $this->url = $url; //Wikipedia requires that all requests contain a User-Agent header, or else a HTTP 403 response will be returned //see ini_set('user_agent', 'Michael Angstadt\'s Cool Screen-Scraper (+'); } public function getArticles(){ return SpokenWikipediaMarshaller::loadFromWebsite($this->url)->articles; } public function getArticlesSortedByLatestUpdated(){ $articles = $this->getArticles(); usort($articles, function ($a, $b){ if (count($a->dates) == 0){ return 1; } if (count($b->dates) == 0){ return -1; } $dateA = $a->dates[count($a->dates)-1]; $dateB = $b->dates[count($b->dates)-1]; return $dateB->getTimestamp() - $dateA->getTimestamp(); }); return $articles; } }
This interface defines the methods that each DAO implementation must implement. By having an interface like this, I can create additional DAO implementations that get their data from differences sources. For example, I could create a database DAO that pulls my Wikipedia information from a database. Or, I could create a mock implementation for testing purposes that just returns hard-coded data.
<?php namespace spokenWikipedia; /** * Defines the interface for screen-scraping my Wikipedia user page. * @author Michael Angstadt */ interface SpokenWikipediaDao{ /** * Gets the list of all recorded Wikipedia articles sorted by the last time they were updated. * @return array(Article) the articles */ public function getArticlesSortedByLatestUpdated(); /** * Gets the list of all recorded Wikipedia articles in no particular order. * @return array(Article) the articles */ public function getArticles(); }